Integrated circuit Manufacturers

We all are surrounded and dependent on electronic gadgets all around .Integrated circuits(IC) are used in almost all electronic equipment today e.g. computers, mobile phones and other home appliances. Integratedcircuit manufacturers have revolutionized the world of electronics. The first integrated circuit contained only a few transistors. The performance of the ICs is high because of the small size that allows short traces. Most of the integrated circuit suppliers use ceramic flat plates to pack the ICs.

ICs have consistly migrated to smaller sizes, now more circuitry can be packed on each chip. Surprisingly, the speed increases but cost per transistor and power consumption decreases with decrease in size. The mobile phones and computer are individual part of the human life. The microprocessors/ cores are the most advanced ICs.

Integrated Circuit

Semiconductor ICs are fabricated in a planar process which includes three key process steps which includes imaging, deposition and etching. The main process steps are supplemented by doping and cleaning. Photolithography is used to mark different areas of the substrate to be doped. The ICs are tested with the help of ATE (Automated Test Equipment). This process is called wafer testing.

A RAM (Random Access Memory) is the most regular type of IC. Thus, the integrated circuit suppliers and exporters supply the highest density devices. Most ICs are large enough to include identifying information include four common sections: The manufacturer’s name or logo, the part number, a part production batch number and serial number and  a four digit code that identifies when the chip was manufactured.

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