Indian Musical Instruments Manufacturers

Indian musical instrument are deep diverse as deep as the diverse culture of the country ,  rich in huge varieties of instruments in art music, folk music, traditional and now the Indian musical instruments manufacturers provides contemporary instruments is believed that  musical instruments have  been playing here since the mythological period as find mentioned on some  mythological books and still find the images of some deities are holding the instruments and are the symbol of the gods and goddesses.

Just as the universal category of musical instruments it is distributed in four categories subdivided into numerous categories

Indian Musical Instruments

1.vedic music   includes all the strings instruments dated back to 2500bc -1000 BC they are called Vedic music in Indian literature they are basically bow shaped instruments some of them are  Kap Shir Sha veena, gargar, when(hundred string instruments) etc.

2. Natya shastra includes all the aerial instruments that played without the string membrane, they are dated back to 3rd century AD some of them are Tata (lutes) Shusira (flute) etc.

3. Sangeet Ratnakar is divided into four sub categories

(a)String instruments that are one string to nine strings lutes like Tritntrika, (three strings) Ekatantri (single string)

(b)Blowing instruments include all the aerial instruments like   Murali (bamboo flute) Tutari (war trumpets)

(c) All the barrel percussion like Mardal, Dhol, Tabla

(d)Solid bodied instruments like the dancer anklets (Ghungru in India)

4. The fourth category includes all the medieval period instruments that the most of the Indian music are composed up of Like Harmonium, Shenai, Tabla etc.

DEALNITY presents Indian musical instruments suppliers, Indian instrument wholesalers etc.

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